Monday, March 09, 2009:

Soaring to Life's Greatest Heights

All of us, every single one, has an inner desire to soar in life. Be it in our schools, workplace, etc. But what does it mean to soar? What does it take to soar? Today, I'll just share the first of the 4 steps.

Step 1: See what you have

The problem with many people today is that they always look at what they don't have! "Ah.. I don't have the money.. Ugh! I don't have the looks!" The list can go on and on. The problem is they should not focus on what they don't have. People that do, never really reach their maximum potential. See what you have, not what you don't have. Don't turn to your neighbors in envy. No! Look at your hands, what do you have?

Never try to be someone you're not. We are all different. Unique in our own ways. Your friend's gift may be different from yours. And if you keep looking at what you don't have, you will end up in disappointment and self-pity. But on the other hand, if you look at what you have, it's a whole different story!

See what you have! Something that you are good in. Art. Sports. Music. Business. IT. Design. Culinary. Writing. Blogging. Talking. Anything! What do you have? Identify it. Only then can you start the process of soaring.

It's like before a man can fly a kite. He needs to identify what he has. He needs to source for resources. The sticks, the paper, the string, glue, tape, scissors, etc. If he doesn't and if he keeps looking and admiring his neighbor's kite, guess what? He won't ever fly his own kite!

Look at what you have not what you don't have. Sometimes, it's not about having what you want, but wanting what you have. Only then can you truly soar.

-i put my trust in you

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