Wednesday, March 12, 2008:
Power of Influence
Well, todays post is gonna be shorter, however i feel that this is something very powerful! I've been observing something and i realise it's so true that you ARE who you mix around with. And yes we've all heard it some point in our life. However, i notice that it's also a choice, who you'd let yourself be influenced by.Whether good or bad the influene, I always believe that people who are able to influence have a common trait- Good leadership. They are able to influence because they have leadership qualities, and that's why people are willing to follow. It can be a good thing to have influence, but i believe it takes a lot of responsibility once you have the power to do that. We've seen disastrous things happen when people follow bad leaders, for example- Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazis and German nation in WWII which also brought about many horrible death such as the holocaust (execution of the Jews) and many more. But yet why was Hitler such a influential man in Germany, that the Germans litereally worshipped him? Simply because he was a good leader to his people. Yes he was a cruel insane man, but he had followers, and its the result of his influence in their lives, and their nation. It was so hard to not be influenced by him in Germany, as he used propaganda, and even educated the children about his "beliefs". Yes, it was horrible, what Hitler did, and the thousands upon thousands of death he caused. That just shows how someone can terribly abused his power of influence. Be alway aware and cautious who you look up to. For your success in life depends on that, if you mix with the destroyers you'll be a destroyer yourseld. But, if you mix with the wise you'll be wise yourself.