Saturday, August 23, 2008:
The exams are finally over! phew! Gosh am i glad to survive through it. Anyway, I think it'll be weird not going to school for 1 and a half month. It is too good to be true! But hey, I will try to enjoy it now, while I still can. -> From this point on NC16 So I have been thinking quite a bit recently. With all this talks about finding the right partner circulating everywhere today. This is not only the season of prayer, but love as well. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about! I see sparks flying everywhere these days. At one point or another in your life, you will definitely ask yourself this question, "who am I destined to be with?" Well to be honest, no one can answer that question, the free will of loving belongs to every individual. There is no forcing love, or there won't be happiness (better translated in mandarin). Many people play the dating game, in order to scan through their prospects, compare and contrast, trial and error, to find their "perfect" partner. But the truth is this, no one is perfect. Sometimes, the person can be right infront of you. But it took you years to realise. What blinded you was your expectations, your perfect conditions, The beauty of love is this, loving even through the imperfections of the other, giving even though it's tough. How then is love love, if everything is about perfection and taking without giving. That is never going to happen. This issue has been a major concern especially in Singapore, with low birth rates (as PM Lee states), aging population and to make matters worse a huge percentage of singles. Look, I am not saying you should stop here and get married immediately. Marriage is a life-long commitment. I like what pastor said, "your life-long partner can either make your life heaven on earth, or a living hell." Hence, lower some expectations if you figure your expectations are too high (e.g. looks, brad pitt, jessica alba, etc.), but don't fall for anything. Or you will fall out of everything. Carol told me this, "best couples always starts out by being best friends." I can't agree more on that. Reason being, nothing is hidden when all weaknesses is revealed from friendship (bad habits, past hurts, fears, etc). But take for example, if you are dating someone for the first time, you will definitely go all out to impress the person! To a certain extent you are just showing all the good points about you, and all your strengths. But, you don't show your true self, your weaknesses, your past defeats. Not an ideal way to start a relationship, I would say. But hey, all things are possible. Hahas, can't believe I just did a whole post on this. Oh well, I know I'm 17 =) But I hope that helps! Eph 5:31-33 31 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. -take me away. (Bolivia)