Tuesday, September 08, 2009:

Too Young, to not TRY!
"Don't let the fear of striking out, stop you from playing the game." Isn't it true that, sometimes during a game, we are afraid to try something different/new in fear that people may judge us.
I remember when I first had the idea of Soule (a.k.a Selfless shoe), there was this feeling of resistance to sharing my idea with others. "What if it won't work?" "They'll say IM TOO YOUNG!"
And sure enough when I did managed to pluck up enough curage to share this idea with my peers, you should have seen the reaction on their faces! "WHAT?? BUY ONE GIVE ONE? YOU MUST BE KIDDING!" "IN YOUR DREAMS!"
I know what you're thinking, with friends like that, who needs enemies? Hahas
But you know what, trials and tribulations come and go. It is up to us, how we react to them, I chose to persist on. Even though I don't know what would happen, though I am young, I have no experience. I know! But I chose to believe.
Don't ever let anyone tell you, you can't make it. Or you're too young. Haven't you heard? The Glory of the Youth is in their STRENGTH!
Check us out on this article!: http://www.seforum.sg/2009/05/29/selfless-shoes/
Though it makes Him sad to see the way we live,
He'll always say, "I forgive".

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