Monday, September 13, 2010:
Have always loved this story. Remember you are never alone.
-Emmanuel (God is with us)
Sunday, September 12, 2010:
Dear God,
Give me the strength to do what is right.
Show me the way when there seems to be no way.
You said, when I am weak You are strong.
So God, help me, save me, have mercy.
"A broken spirit and a contrite heart,
this Oh God, You will not despise."
In the trial, I will remember You.
Though I can't see the hand, but I will trust Your heart.
I know all things work out good, for those who love You and are called according to
Your purpose.
Thursday, September 09, 2010:
God's Pie
Everything that we have was given to us.
Your mother gave birth to you.
But God was the one who gave you life.
Conception did not begin in your mother's womb.
It began in His mind.
Hence we are suppose to reflect the image of our Maker.
To be a giver.
See, this life is not measured by what you can get,
but what you can give.
Give not out of necessity,
nor to be seen by men.
But give out of a cheerful heart.
Matthew 10:8
Freely you have received, Freely give.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010:
Are your burdens too heavy?
Isn't it true that when you leave your house everyday you somehow have a natural tendency to carry a bag? Even though you know you do not need to use most of the things you put in that bag.
It somehow makes you feel a little secure.
"I may need this later."
No you don't.
In the same way, many of us carry burdens like how we carry our bags. Some burdens were never meant for us to carry. Yet we choose to bear them.
The only thing Jesus told us to carry was the cross.
Travel light today, don't carry your heavy luggages of burdens and worries of life.
Have faith. Be secure. Without them.
"If you think carrying your burdens is tough, try carrying the cross." -JL
"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laiden and I will give you rest, take up my yoke for it is easy and my burden is light". -JC
Saturday, September 04, 2010:
To Save a Life
Wow! It's been awhile. Can't believe my last post was actually in March. I told myself last year that I would make a commitment to reflect on my life lessons and write(type) it down here at least once every month. I guess that did not really work out. I realize how overwhelmed and busy I was over the past 6 months, that I hardly had anytime to even take a breather.
Anyway, I had an awesome time during cell group meeting today with Kenneth, Bradley and Corrina. We started early today at around 3.45pm and hence we had time to watch a movie in my living room- To Save a Life. It was a very powerful movie, it touched on many issues about life. (Highly recommend you to watch it)
One particular issue that was brought out in the show was about young people taking their own lives. Well, it is a very real issue today. Suicidal rates are on a high. Just last year alone in 2009, there were 401 suicide cases in Singapore, yet another 10% increase compared to the previous year.
That struck me, 401. These are not just numbers. These are lives. That means, every other day there is probably one or two person ending their lives, and with them are many more people contemplating whether they should do the same. Some take unprescribed drugs and overdose themselves, some slit their wrists, some choose to take a leap (not of faith but of fear) off a building or onto a train track.
Statistics show a record high increase of youths between 13-19 years of age who choose to end their lives. Many blame these to on the high stress level. "OH it is the education systems!" While it is not entirely wrong to say stress is a factor that adds to that final decision for one to end his/her life. I would say there is a deeper reason to why a person would make that ultimatum decision. Out of all the reasons, I believe people give up on life when they can't live up to the expectations of others/themselves and don't see a purpose for living anymore.
Well, if you are one of those who had thoughts of ending your life before, or still are, I hope you read on.
The truth is, at some point in our lives, we all ask ourselves one question, "What am I here for?"
And to be honest, I can't answer that question for you. All of us are here for a different purpose. You've just got to live life one step at a time, and you will eventually discover what your true purpose is.
Yes, right now, it may seem meaningless. Things may not be going the way you want it to. Your relationships may be in a mess. You have friends, but yet you seem to always feel alone. You've tried and you've failed. You were told "You can't make it in LIFE" or "You are good for NOTHING". And you actually believed them, because those words came from the ones you've loved and trusted the most.
Well right now, I am going to tell you the truth. You may or may not have heard this, and you may or may not believe this. But what I am about to say to you, I hope you know every word is true:
"You are valuable. You are precious. You can make it. You are made for great things. You are blessed with great gifts and talent. You are loved. You have a future and a hope. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Because that would be a lie."
Don't give up now, there is more. And yes, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. As dark and hopeless the situation may be right now, there is still a way out. And no it is not by giving up on your life. It is by giving more. Trying harder. Believing in your heart. You can do it.
And yes there will still be times that things don't work out and life treats you unfair. But remember, the beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair. At the end it is always our choice how we react to the circumstances that surrounds us. We can choose to give up, or we can choose to press on.
Don't value your life by what you can accomplish, or by dollars and cents. No, value life for the very breath that you take.
Psalm 72:13-14 (New King James Version)
13 He will spare the poor and needy,
And will save the souls of the needy.
14 He will redeem their life from oppression and violence;
And precious shall be their blood in His sight.